Optometria 2024
This is Dr. Polec’s second year as a guest speaker at the Optometria conference located in Krakow, Poland! Experts in Optometry and Neuro-Optometry from across the globe are selected to lecture at this conference. The panels and workshops Dr. Polec presented are listed below.
Panel I: Myopia Management
Environment vs Physiology with treatment options
Mechanisms for myopia
Review of modern methods of myopia control
What does evidence based medicine say?
Combining myopia control methods, Does it work?
Panel II: Myopia Management
Deciding when and how to treat
Deciding the best strategy of control based on the Montreal experience
Where does the rebound effect come from?
Starting, stopping, and evaluating success
How to talk to parents about myopia control
Workshop: Responsible Control of Myopia: Polec’s Pearls for Prescribing - Tips for Success
Workshop: Responsible Control of Myopia: Myopia’s Treatment Toolbox- From VT to Phototherapy