Vision & Balance Consultations

Our consultations are split into three different levels:

Level One: A 15-minute review to determine if a Neuro-Visual evaluation would be appropriate.

Level Two: An in-depth consultation* involving 2 steps:

  1. A 30-minute baseline visual screening.

  2. A 30-minute review with Dr. Polec providing recommendations and techniques.

Level Three: An in-depth consultation to guide professionals in understanding and creating the best vision-integrated treatment program.

*Records must be provided before consultations, including the last eye exam and any relevant medical records.

Our Services

    • TBI vision screenings

    • Balance tests

    • Balance and coordination treatment with prism goggles

    • One-on-one vision therapy to improve eye teaming, tracking, and body grounding.

    • Eye health screenings

    • Dry eye screenings

    • Balance therapy

    • Diagnosis of effects on the visual system following a concussion

    • Coordination and balance therapies

  • A 5-minute ocular movement evaluation that tests baselines for vision tracking, eye-teaming, eye-hand coordination, and other visual tracking impairments.

    • Informs about the connection and coordination between the eyes and the brain